Table of Contents

About this asset


Thank you for buying our asset.

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If you happen to encounter any issues, please write an email to and we will be happy to help!

Also you would do us a big favor, if you'd leave a review on the asset store, once you got some experience with the asset. Thank you!

Setup and architecture

This asset is a Unity-Native implementation of the Socket.IO protocol version 4 (it is also compatible to version 3) Setting up the system is as simple as adding the component SocketIOClient to a GameObject in your scene. You can then access it from your scripts. The Client holds the connection to the server and it can create connections to multiple namespaces per client instance. The Client connects to the default namespace ("/") right after you call SocketIOClient.Connect(...) and you can access additional namespaces using SocketIOClient.GetNamespace(...). On a SocketIONamespace instance, you will find all commonly required methods to exchange events with the server.

Version compatibility

Server v1 Server v2 Server v3 Server v3.1 Server v4
Socket.IO Client for Unity v2 No Yes No Partial* No
Socket.IO Client for Unity v3/v4 BASIC No No Yes Yes Yes
Socket.IO Client for Unity v4 PLUS No No Yes Yes Yes

*) Partial means that a compatibility mode must be enabled on server side which actually makes the server act like a V2 server. This means it has no V3 benefits. It would be the same as if you ran a v2 server. This is only meant for transitioning to V3.

This table does only cover our assets. There are many other solutions available, some don't work on WebGL at all, some use deprecated APIs. Some are over-aged. Our assets are made FOR Unity, not only WITH Unity. This means every feature was designed having Unity in mind regarding thread safety, saving framerate, WebGL support etc.

Differences between Basic and Plus Client

Our two current Socket.IO assets are completely independed code bases. While both provide a way to connect to Socket.IO Servers (Version 3 or higher), their implementation is completely different. For simple applications, the BASIC variant might be enough, while the PLUS variant provides the maximum flexibility and a way larger feature set and an implementation which is near 100% consistent between WebGL and Native as we entirely re-implemented the whole protocol on top of plain Websockets.

The main difference is, that the Basic variant only supports a single payload, no binary messages and always returns a JSON string for events. The PLUS variant works with objects, supporting even binary payloads and more than one payload per event. It does not deliver a JSON representation but always parsed objects.

Code difference

A simple fictive case would be to receive an event, containing a position of an object and then updating the location locally.
The following example shows the simplest possible implementation with the respective asset, without using special or higher features.

For the example, we assume we got a handle to the object in "remoteObj", all server settings are configured in the components using the inspector, and...

...using the BASIC asset...

...we got a reference to the SocketIOCommunicator (from the basic asset) in "sioCom":

void Start() {
	sioCom.Instance.On("ObjectMoved", (payloadJson) => {
		Vector3 newPos = JsonUtility.FromJson<Vector3>(payloadJson);
		remoteObj.transform.position = newPos;

...using the PLUS asset...

...we got a handle to the SocketIOClient (from the PLUS asset) in "io":

void Start() {
	io.D.On<Vector3>("ObjectMoved", (newPos) => {
		remoteObj.transform.position = newPos;

Feature Matrix

Socket.IO Client V2 Socket.IO Client V3/V4 BASIC Socket.IO Client V4 PLUS
SSL/TLS Support Yes Yes Yes
Websocket Transport Yes Yes Yes
Long-Polling No No No
Set custom path Yes Yes Yes
Custom Parser/Adapter No No Experimental
(Must be implemented by
yourself. Not recommended)
Multiple Instances
(Connect to multiple servers)
Yes Yes Yes
Windows, Linux, MacOS Yes Yes Yes
Android, iOS Yes Yes Yes
WebGL Yes Yes Yes
Console platforms Assumed yes¹ Assumed yes¹ Assumed yes¹
Connect Default Namespace ("/") Yes Yes Yes
Connect Additional Namespaces
No No Yes
Event-Specific Callbacks (On/Off) Yes Yes Yes
CatchAll-Callbacks (OnAny/OffAny) No Yes² Yes
Authentication payloads No Yes, static Yes, per Namespace
(using a delegate)
Binary Payloads No No Yes
Object Payloads Manually serialized Manually serialized Yes³
Multiple Payloads No No Yes
Acknowledgements No No Yes
Volatiles & Reliability Similar to volatile Similar to volatile Volatile or with enhanced reliability⁴
Delay-Free, threaded delegate No No Yes⁵
Using UnityEvent
for common Callbacks
No (delegate) No (delegate) Yes

¹) We don't see any reason why it should not work but we are not able to verify this. Consoles might add legal or technical restrictions. Referr to your agreements and technical descriptions.
²) Implementation can slightly differ from the Socket.IO standard as well as between WebGL and Native builds.
³) Only objects, that can be serialized using Json.Net
⁴) In plain JS Socket.IO, all packets are guaranteed to be delivered. When using "volatile", sending is tried once and the packet is dequeued in any case. Our basic assets work similar to the volatile operation. Our PLUS asset works the same way by default but is can be toggled. If volatileMode is disabled, the system tries to guarantee the delivery of a packet. However this only means it will stay queued while the client is disconnected, and requeued upon most networking errors. This is not a 100% guarantee. ⁵) Normal EventHandlers are called using a dispatcher loop. This is required to safely run them on the main thread. This causes a delay of usually one frame between receiption and callback. "Delay-Free callbacks" are delegates that get invoked immediately when an event comes in on the socket, but in native builds they get called from the receiver thread so the delegate is NOT executed on the main thread. This is only for advanced programmers, because you need to mind thread safety. In WebGL builds they are also delayed technically. This can not be changed.

# Correct Seat License Count Officially you need to buy a seat license in the asset store for any unity user working with the asset. As this is not an editor asset but a "game asset" it is hard to determine how many seats you need, right? We are always trying to make our assets affordable and still rock solid. We ask our customers to be fair players and buy licenses according to the actual usage and revenue. Here is a guideline: ##For independent developers up to 5 team members working on your game (in total) and in compliance to the revenue terms of Unity "Free"... ...we allow using this asset with a single seat license for unlimited projects as long as you **comply with the revenue terms for Unity "Free"** (no matter if you are actually uisng Plus for some reason, Pro and Enterprise excluded). We do only count people working on the game (artists, developers, game designer, ...). If you hire IT specialists, marketing etc they do not count. ##For bigger independent dev teams, if you don't comply to the Unity Free license terms as a small team or if you are using Unity Pro or Enterprise... ...we ask you to buy one license per team member who works on your project (in Unity). ##For big studios and any enterprise licensee ...we assume you are making a lot of money with your games. Great! While the license requirements still are met with one license per unity user, we **kindly request** you to buy one seat per unity user or per project using our asset depending on what count is higher.

Frequently Asked Questions

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